The thing about death is, almost no one likes it. Not many like to discuss the aspect of it. Even lesser prefer to make arrangement related to how's this worldly life would continue without him or her in it.
You know who welcomes it?
The broken hearted. Those suffering from serious illness and pain. Perhaps basically those who sincerely wish to end their mortal suffering*.
If you really deeply ponder, you will eventually realized that, yes, your death might seems untimely, but in retrospect, so does your birth. Contrary to common belief, you (nor anybody else) can't really exactly plan your birth so to speak. And since both events are ultimately out of your control, it should only be reasonable and wise for one to always, at (almost) all the time, "plan" their daily activities with taqwa**. Especially the one that you have (seemingly) control - that your time will be up sooner or later.
It does not mean to entail (only) spiritual and/or religious elements of this life. I mean, just take material possessions for example. If you put your preference, your heart and soul in this world, you will come to regret that at the end of your lifetime, everything will be of nought. Those in the heavens that will inherit the earth.***
I'm not saying that you should abandon nor adopt a reckless abandon approach when it comes to this world(ly aspects) but if you really take time to ponder, you will know, all of these are but test and a journey.
* And those who can't wait to meet their beloved.
** In old Arabic, taqwa used to be associate with horse that are not equip with horseshoe thus necessitate the said horse to thread carefully to avoid injury to it's hooves.
*** You wanna know a way "out of this"? Infak bro.