~FaREweLL ParTy For Mr AmAT~

hai, this thread is a tribute to Mr Amat who will be leaving us soon, may the force be with him..not much to say, just some pictures that show something, as what Adolf said in his bibliograpy " A picture worth than a thousand words "

so enjoy those pictures guys

Ms Nur Afiqa taking some foods for the buka puasa ceremony
Mr Amat with the hunger on his face, ohhh yes that's true, there was a flood that day, due to the heavy rain, and the pool water came out at the ankle level
What a shame ??? Mr amat acted like an ulu or somalia guy, see those foods,filled all rooms on the table
Our trade mark for years!!! bone crushing guys hahaha, hey that was the lamb shank we crushed we were performed by a group of a very talented old school guys, very touching song, i mean music, me and mr amat requested a P. Ramlee song, the guy with that acordian (right one, coorect arr i spell ??) played that sexaphone beautifully, that made me one to do head banging that time, he player that sexaphone as poeple said, "till the last of his breath" trust me guys, ask mr amat, if we requested one more song, i'm sure he wont celebrate raya this year hahaha


4.40pm - blk opis

5.00pm - bertolak ke UMP utk menjemput Mr Amat

6.00pm - sampai UMP, lambat giler sebab jalan jam trok dan hujan lebat

6.05pm - Mr amat naik kereta

6.09pm - Ms Nur Afiqa naik kereta

6.10pm - bertolak ke Kuantan

6.35pm - motor xciden depan mate, siot abes jalan jam, mr amat suruh tolong, tp masa mencemburui saya

6.50pm - smpai Vistana Hotel, hujan sabung menyabung lagi

6.55pm - amek makanan, giler aaahhhh malu, mr amat macam org ulu tak da makanan, abes penoh meja di buatnya

7.14pm - ting tong azan buka poser,

9.00pm arrived at teruntum

9.15pm dont mess with zohan

11.30pm arrived at ump

12.05 arrived at pelindong